We welcome you to

BYU Women’s Conference in Provo, Utah!

We are happy and grateful to have you here. We hope that you will take advantage of all the uplifting experiences that can be found at the conference. Below is information to help you prepare for your visit. If you have additional questions, please see our FAQs or email us at: womens_conference@byu.edu.

Campus Accessibility

To find accessible routes, building entries, restrooms, parking and water fountains, visit map.byu.edu and click on Accessibility Access on the right side of the map.

ADA Accommodations

Housing: Several rooms in on-campus housing are accessible to individuals in wheelchairs (e.g., first floor, close to a bathroom). Because of the limited availability, if a person with a disability is part of a group, we cannot guarantee that the whole group will be accommodated according to the special needs of that one person; we can only guarantee that the special-needs participant and her roommate will be accommodated. These accommodations are limited, so please contact us as soon as possible. If registering for housing by phone, please inform the registrar of the accommodations you need and they will send you the ADA request information.

ADA requests: If you need to request ADA accommodations for housing, please click on the blue international symbol of access in your shopping cart during your registration. This will take you to a policy statement, followed by a link for an accommodations request form; you only need to complete the first page of the request form. This form must be printed, completed, and mailed or emailed to our office no later than April 10, 2024; any requests received after this deadline cannot be considered. You can mail to BYU Women’s Conference, 253 HCEB, Provo, UT 84602 or email us at womens_conference@byu.edu.

Non-ADA requests: If you would like to make a non-ADA housing accommodation request, a screen will be available in the registration process on the housing page to enter that request. If you have already registered and need to make an accommodation request, you can log back into your registration screen and complete the request on that screen or call our registration office at 801-422-8925 to add that information to your account. The deadline is April 10, 2024.

Other ADA Requests: If you have other ADA requests, follow the same procedure as above during your registration and complete and mail or email the form to our office no later than April 10, 2024; any requests received after this deadline cannot be considered. If you have questions, please email womens_conference@byu.edu.

Participants who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

American Sign Language interpreters will be provided for all Marriott Center conference sessions. Participants needing ASL interpretation should sit in section 8, row 3 (enter through Portal H).

For sessions outside of the Marriott Center, interpreters are available upon request prior to the conference. After the conference schedule becomes available, select the classes you would like to attend and email your request to womens_conference@byu.edu. Include in your email the name of the attendee, session title, location, day, and time. Seating for the ASL interpreters, ASL participant, and up to two companions will be reserved at the front of the room in the requested session. All requests must be received by April 12, 2024 so arrangements can be made with interpreters.

Various campus locations have a limited number of assistive listening devices for use in their facilities. You will need to leave a picture ID (driver’s license, etc.) when checking out the device. For assistive listening devices in conference locations, inquire at a nearby BYU Women’s Conference information desk.

Participants who are Visually Impaired

If you have a visual disability and need your schedule in an alternate format, please contact the BYU Women’s Conference office by phone at 801-422-7692 or by email at womens_conference@byu.edu.

Wheelchair Rentals

BYU does not have wheelchairs available on campus for BYU Women’s Conference participants. Several businesses in Provo rent wheelchairs:

Alpine Home Medical Equipment
1481 North State Street
Provo, UT

B & H Pharmacy
286 West Center Street
Provo, UT

Wheelchair and Mobility Seating

Marriott Center wheelchair seating is available at Portals A, B, C, D, E, F, G, V, W, X and Y on the concourse level (It is not available at: Portals H, J, K, L, M, N, T, U).

Marriott Center floor wheelchair seating is available for those accompanied by one companion who can push the chair up a steep ramp in the event of an emergency. The companion may not be seated on the floor or in wheelchair areas but in close proximity. Please check with the hospitality team on the floor to inquire about any available wheelchair seating.

Due to limited wheelchair seating in the Marriott Center and other conference venues, wheelchair areas are reserved for only those participants who use wheelchairs. Participants who have additional types of mobility or health concerns should arrive early to secure a seat, as all seating is on a first-come basis.

Note: All Marriott Center restroom facilities are located on the concourse level (3rd).


One wheelchair-accessible van is available for participants in wheelchairs, who may be accompanied by one companion. To contact the wheelchair van driver, call 385-335-3143 (on May 1-3) and indicate your shuttle stop.* Due to the number of guests who need assistance, participants who require the wheelchair van must call the number each time transportation is needed. The van driver cannot be given a list or times for multiple pick-ups throughout the day/conference.

*Available only during shuttle stop hours, which are posted in the schedule.

Disability Parking

Participants who have state disability placards may park in any of the state disability parking spaces on campus (blue signs with wheelchairs). If these spaces are filled in a particular lot, you may hang your placard and park in any other parking spaces except in spaces designated for special use (i.e., deans, service vehicles, and 30-minute lots).

Walk-on Times and Will-Call Locations
  • Week of Registration:

If you register online after 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, April 27, please show your confirmation email to an agent at the northeast registration areas of the Marriott Center during the conference and they will print you a name badge . 

If you need to register for the conference on April 30–May 2, QR codes will be available at the door so you can scan and register on your smartphone. You will need to show your confirmation to an agent and they will print you a badge. Agents will also be available to assist with your registration.

Do you need to change your registration? 
Agents will be available for questions and assistance. You can also use your smartphone to modify your registration. You will need to show your confirmation email to an agent at the registration area and turn in your old badge (if you registered before April 11); they will print you a new one for the conference. 

Please do NOT go to Will Call if you register after April 27. Go to the registration areas.

  • At-the-Door Registration (opens at 5:00 p.m. on April 30 and 7:30 a.m. on May 1 and May 2)
April 30–May 2 Marriott Center Northeast and Northwest Entrances
  • Will-Call:

If you register between April 12 and April 27, your name badge will be available at Will Call.

Wednesday, April 30 8:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. Harman Continuing Education Building Lobby
5:00–9:00 p.m. Marriott Center Northwest Entrance
Thursday, May 1 7:30 a.m.–8:30 p.m. Marriott Center Northwest Entrance
Friday, May 2 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Marriott Center Northwest Entrance

Register Now

Conference App

Coming soon.

Conference Attire

Some participants prefer to dress up and wear dresses or skirts and blouses; others prefer to be casual and wear jeans or slacks. The choice is yours. We encourage you to be aware of Utah’s varying spring weather and to dress in layers as some rooms can be chilly. And we can’t stress this enough—comfortable shoes are highly recommended!

Dining Options

A list of dining options available during the conference, including hours and locations, can be found in the center section of your schedule.

Additional information can be found on the BYU Dining Map for Women’s Conference. Please note that food and drink (except water) are not allowed in any session rooms except the Marriott Center.

Getting Around Campus
Courtesy Shuttles

Courtesy shuttles will again be provided and are available to all conference participants; however, preference will be given to seniors and those with disabilities. Courtesy shuttles will be running on several routes throughout the day during both days of the conference as well as during the evening activities on Thursday. Maps will be posted at each shuttle stop with information on routes and running times. Shuttles do not run on a specific time schedule but rather go through a continuous circuit; please be patient, because pickup times will vary. Courtesy shuttle routes are designed to take you to key points but do not stop at specific buildings. Shuttles pick up and drop off at designated shuttle stops. They will be running from the Marriott Center to all of the parking lots after the concert has ended on Thursday evening. Full shuttle routes and details are included on the map in the center of the conference schedule.

Walking Times

Wait times for the shuttles can be long, so if you are physically able, we encourage you to enjoy campus and take a walk to your next session.

From the Marriott Center to:

-Cannon Commons, 5–7 minutes

-Conference Center, 5–7 minutes

-Harman Building, 5–7 minutes

-Hinckley Center, 5–7 minutes

-Joseph Smith Building, 15 minutes

-Martin Building, 10–12 minutes

-Music Building, 10–12 minutes

-Smith Fieldhouse, 12–15 minutes

-Wilkinson Student Center, 10–12 minutes

From the Wilkinson Student Center to:

-Cannon Commons, 12-15 minutes

-Joseph Smith Building, 7–10 minutes

-Martin Building, 5 minutes

-Music Building, 3–5 minutes

-Smith Fieldhouse, 12-15 minutes

We don’t recommend it, but if you are planning to text and walk, don’t forget to look up! Please obey all traffic laws, and cross at designated crosswalks.

Note: These estimated walking times vary based on crowd density, walking speed, and other factors. Please plan ahead and wear comfortable shoes!

Campus Parking Lots

The main parking for the conference is available in the lots southeast and directly west of LaVell Edwards Stadium (49Y and 45U) and in the lots north of the Indoor Practice Facility (37Y). There is also limited parking in the lot northeast of the Marriott Center (20Y). Please look at the parking lot map that appears in the center of the BYU Women’s Conference program (available online mid-March). All available conference parking is highlighted in navy blue on the map.

Easy access to campus is also available using the UVX bus system. UVX has drop off locations within a 3 minute walk to the Marriott Center and runs consistently throughout the day and evening. More information is available here (click on TRAVEL)

You can also find additional parking lots by number on the Campus Parking Map; be sure to choose “Parking” on the right side of the webpage; lot numbers will be displayed when you click on a highlighted parking lot.

Please cooperate by parking only in designated areas and within painted stalls. Parking in unapproved areas will lead to ticketing and/or towing of your vehicle.

Disability Parking

If you have a state-issued disability placard or permit, you can park in the disability parking area northeast of the Marriott Center, based on space availability. Check with the officer on duty. Participants who have a placard may also park in any of the state disability parking spaces on campus. If disability spaces are filled in a particular lot, you may hang your placard and park in any of the parking spaces on the main campus except in timed lots or spaces designated for deans and service vehicles.

Instead of moving your car to other lots on campus, you can ride the courtesy shuttles to get to the other venues.

One wheelchair-accessible van is available for participants in wheelchairs, who may be accompanied by one companion. To contact the wheelchair van driver, call 385-335-3143 (available April 30–May 2 during the conference) and indicate your shuttle stop. Due to the number of guests who need assistance, participants who require the wheelchair van must call the number each time transportation is needed. The van driver cannot be given a list or times for multiple pick-ups throughout the day/conference and can only pick up at designated WC shuttle stops.

Recreational Vehicles

We encourage you to stay in local campgrounds designed for RVs. RVs are permitted to park in lot 37, north of the Indoor Practice Facility (see campus map). RV parking is restricted both day and night to this lot only. RV parking on campus is available for completely self-contained RVs only and is permitted beginning at noon on Wednesday, April 30 through 9:00 a.m. Saturday, May 3—on a first-come, first-served basis. Lot 37 is a parking lot only; there are no restrooms, showers, hook-ups, dump sites, or public electrical outlets. Restrooms and showers in the student housing and locker room areas may not be used by participants staying in RVs. We also ask that you not bring pets onto campus property. When using the parking area, you must keep it free of litter; assure that your vehicle does not leak; keep awnings contained so traffic is not impeded; be sure you do not attach anything to structures, fixtures, surfaces, or electrical sources; and keep RVs inside parking stalls as much as possible. Check the campus map for the nearest shuttle stop.

Off-Campus Parking

Please note that program participants should not park in neighborhoods north of the Marriott Center or east of 900 East. Cars parked in neighborhoods will be towed.

General Parking Policies

Please note that there will be parking lots close to the Marriott Center that will be blocked off for campus employees. With the university in full operation during the conference, it is important that these spaces remain available for faculty, administration, staff, and emergency vehicles that come and go.

BYU Women’s Conference works with campus police and traffic operations to try to improve parking conditions and shuttles during the conference. Please be kind and helpful to traffic officers, campus employees, shuttle drivers, and fellow conference attendees.

Service Animals / Emotional Support Animals

Service animals are permitted to attend the conference. Please note that animals other than dogs cannot be service animals under federal law. 

Service animals may not block aisles, stairways, or egress points. Additionally, service animals must be seated on the floor, near the patron whom they serve, and are not permitted in theatre seats. If your service animal requires additional space at your feet please contact the BYU Women’s Conference office. 

Emotional Support animals are not permitted at the conference.

For more information on the animals on campus policy, visit BYU's policy page.


Share BYU Women's Conference with someone important to you and invite them to attend BYU Women’s Conference with you. You can also share a video from a favorite talk, or a conference quote from our transcripts, or send them a link to a much-loved broadcast session—something that will keep them in happy anticipation for the upcoming conference and renew their spirit.

Traffic Caution

On the days of Women’s Conference, traffic congestion and slow-downs may begin on I-15 and may also occur on major roads leading to BYU. Please allow an extra 30–45 minutes to arrive and park. Road construction is also common in the spring. If you will be travelling south on I-15, we recommend taking one of three exits from the freeway into Provo: University Avenue (Exit 269), Orem Center Street (Exit 271), or 800 North in Orem (Exit 272).

We also recommend using the brand-new UVX bus system to avoid parking delays. Details are below.

Avoid stress by leaving early!


Provo Airport (PVU)

Commercial services at the Provo Airport are offered by American AirlinesAllegiant Air and Breeze Airways. Find out more about their destinations and flight schedules by visiting their respective websites.

For more information about parking, car rentals, and checking in for flights, visit the Provo airport website.

Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC)

Most major airlines service Salt Lake City International Airport.

Airport Shuttles

If you are arriving by plane to the SLC International Airport, several commercial shuttle services are available to transport you from (SLC) to Provo. Advance reservations are required. Have your flight number and arrival time ready when you call. Visit the link below to find commercial shuttle services.

Shuttle Services from the SLC Airport

Please note that the shuttle information above is provided as a service to patrons of BYU Women's Conference. Brigham Young University and BYU Women's Conference neither endorse nor specifically recommend any of the businesses listed. Individuals are encouraged to investigate for themselves the appropriateness of the transportation options available. Any resulting arrangements will be strictly between the individual and the company.

Public Transit
Public transit is available directly from SLC airport to Provo. Visit UTA’s website for schedules and pricing.

  1. Take TRAX Green Line light rail from the airport to the North Temple Bridge/Guadalupe station.
  2. Transfer to FrontRunner commuter rail southbound to Orem or Provo stations.
  3. Transfer to the Utah Valley Express (UVX) bus that serves both commuter rail stations (more info below).
    • BYU North Campus station is closest to the Marriott Center.
    • BYU South Campus station is closest to the Wilkinson Center
Public Transit

Avoid the hassle of parking and take UTA's FrontRunner and UVX! Utah Valley Express (UVX) is a bus rapid transit line featuring high-capacity buses running between the Orem Central Station, BYU, and the Provo Central Station (and other stops in between). It features convenient stops at BYU Baseball Stadium (about a 3- to 5-minute walk to the Marriott Center), the BYU Harman Building, BYU North Campus, and BYU South Campus. Note: Regular fares are required.

Weekdays* UVX Frequency*
4:00–6:45 a.m. every 15–30 minutes
6:45–10:00 a.m. every 6 minutes
10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m. every 10 minutes
2:00–5:00 p.m. every 6 minutes
5:00–8:00 p.m. every 10 minutes
8:00–11:00 p.m. every 15 minutes
11:00 p.m.–1:00 a.m. every 60 minutes

* Times and frequency subject to change.

Park Here

  • Provo Central Front Runner Station: 690 S University Ave, Provo, UT 84601
  • Orem Central Front Runner Station: 1350 W 900 S, Orem, UT 84058
  • Academy Square: 592 N University Ave
  • Towne Centre Blvd (Provo Towne Center Mall): 1272 Towne Centre Blvd (just east of JCPenney)
  • University Place (University Mall): 570 East University Parkway (park by Carrabbas Restaurant, cross at light to UVX station)

Hop Off/Pick Up Here

  • BYU Stadium UVX Drop Station: 372 East University Parkway; (the Marriott Center is at 450 East University Parkway)  - 3 minute walk to the Marriott Center
  • BYU North Campus Station: 716 E University Parkway - 3 minute walk to the shuttles and a 5 minute walk to the Marriott Center
Driving to BYU Campus

I-15 Southbound

  1. About 45 miles south of Salt Lake City, take exit 269 (University Parkway).
  2. Stay left (east toward the mountains) on the off-ramp.
  3. On University Parkway, drive east (past UVU and University Place) and then down the hill into Provo.
  4. Continue east on University Parkway, turn left on Canyon Road and park in the LaVell Edwards Stadium parking lot (Lot 45U).
  5. You may also turn right on Canyon Road to park near the Indoor Practice Facility (Lot 37Y) just south of Cougar Boulevard (1230 North).
  6. Take a shuttle to the Marriott Center.

I-15 Northbound

  1. Take exit 263 (US-189 N/University Avenue).
  2. Drive north on University Avenue to University Parkway. You will pass landmarks such as the Provo Towne Centre Mall, Provo City Center Temple, and Provo City Library.
  3. Turn right onto University Parkway (east, toward the mountains), and move into the left lane.
  4. Turn left onto Canyon Road and park in the lot west of LaVell Edwards Stadium.
    You may also turn right on Canyon Road to park near the Indoor Practice Facility (Lot 37Y) just south of Cougar Boulevard (1230 North).
  5. Take the shuttle to the Marriott Center.

All conference parking will be noted in the map in the center of the schedule.

While You Are Here
  • Attend all the keynote sessions at the Marriott Center. Enjoy that feeling of sisterhood as we all meet together.
  • Go to the Thursday evening concert and enjoy the wonderful music.
  • Grab a BYU mint brownie, Creamery ice cream, or fresh fruit in the Cougar Eat.
  • If you’re in a group, split up for the concurrent sessions and share your insights and notes with each other.
  • Make a new friend. Say hello to the sisters next to you. Everyone needs a new friend!
  • Pick up your favorite BYU T-shirt! GO COUGARS!
  • Say thank you to the hospitality teams.
  • Serve together with new friends in our Service Learning Rooms.
  • Sing in the Instant Choir with 500 new friends.
  • Take a cultural break at the Museum of Art.
  • Share a bag of chocolate covered-cinnamon bears from the BYU Store with your friends.
  • Take a photo at your favorite WC photo booth.

Do you have a favorite “must do” during BYU Women’s Conference? Send it to us at womens_conference@byu.edu and we will add it to the list!