Remaining anchored to our covenants with Christ gives us the strength to respond to our children or family members choices with love and respect, even when it’s not as we hoped for them. President Joy D. Jones taught, “As we nurture and prepare our children, we allow for their agency, we love them with all our heart, we teach them God’s commandments and His gift of repentance, and we never, ever, give up on them. After all, isn’t this the Lord’s way with each of us?” By maintaining open, positive communication, we will more likely be able to continue to build and maintain strong relationships. Trust the Lord. We are all His children, and He will never ever give up on us.
Questions: What are ways we can nourish relationships with children or family members who make different choices than ours? What holy habits help me stay anchored to Christ so that I can be led daily by the Holy Ghost in my interaction with others? What can we learn about loving others from the example of Jesus Christ? How do I continue to stay faithful, when my family members are taking a different path?